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Lecture on Religion and Gender

Our prospective fellow Klaus Fitschen will present a lecture on Religion and Gender on 17 January, 5 p.m. in lecture hall 16 (Hörsaal 16, Universitätsstraße 3) of Leipzig University. The lecture "So God created man in his own image [...]; male and female he created them. - or why Religion is not meant to divide the world in blue and pink. (Gott schuf den Menschen zu seinem Bilde und schuf ihn männlich und weiblich. - oder warum Religion nicht dazu da ist, die Welt in Blau und Rosa einzuteilen.)" is part of a lecture series of the Equal Opportunity Office (Gleichstellungsbüro) of Leipzig University. The presentation will be held in German.

Gender studies are often perceived as a threat, not least within conservative Christian circles. The pope stands against it as well as some Protestants who do not even have to be fundamentalists. In these circles the polarity of man and woman, just like ways of living like marriage and family, seem to be natural or determined. On the other hand, there are Christian initiatives towards a gender sensitive future. As long as religion plays a role in modern societies this is a crucial debate. The question is where potentials for these initiatives can be found.

Complete announcement (German)