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Conference Report: Muslim Secularities

With some delay, the current issue of the Journal of Law and Islam (Zeitschrift für Recht und Islam, ZRI) has finally been published. The issue contains, among other interesting articles related to the KFG's research agenda, a report on our workshop on Muslim Secularities: Explorations into Concepts of Distiction and Practices of Differentiation (18-20 June 2017) by Julia Heilen and Mohammad Magout. They conlude that

Overall, discussions during the workshop showed that the diversity and (sometimes) particularity of ways to draw, challenge and negotiate the boundaries between the religious and the secular in Islamicate contexts do not preclude the possibility and utility of integrating them into a global comparative framework for research on secularity. In this regard, the Multiple Secularities project offers a platform to bring together a variety of disciplines and approaches to study the interaction between local and global along with modern and pre-modern discourses and traditions on the relationship between Islam and other societal spheres.

This conclusion already gives a good idea of what to expect from the special issue of Historical Social Research on Islamicate Secularities: New Perspectives on a Contested Concept (ed. Markus Dreßler, Armando Salvatore & Monika Wohlrab-Sahr), forthcoming this spring/summer and collecting  articles based on the papers presented at the above mentioned workshop. Stay tuned for further information on this publication.

View full workshop report (PDF)