
In a video interview for the Research Centre Global Dynamics (ReCentGlobe), our director Christoph Kleine explains the agenda of Research Area 3 "Religion, Knowledge and Values: Epistemes in Global Competition", spanning the arc from the long tradition in the study of religion and epistemes at our University to the CASHSS "Multiple Secularities - Beyond the West, Beyond Modernities" - and to future prospects in this area of study.
more 02.01.2024

At the XX ISA World Congress of Sociology (25 June - 1 July 2023, Melbourne) our Senior Research Fellows Armando Salvatore and Aninidita Chakrabarti, together with our director Monika Wohlrab-Sahr, discussed the question "Postsecularity or Multiple Secularities?" in a Plenary Session. A video of the three presentations has recently been published on the isasociotube channel.
more 08.10.2023

On the occasion of our final conference and his involvement in the draft proposal for the planned research cluster on New Global Dynamics, our director Christoph Kleine gave an interview to the media service of our university.
more 07.10.2023

In a recent interview with V.S. Sambandan of the Hindu Centre for Politics and Public Policy, our Senior Research Fellow Rajeev Bhargava elaborated on the current challenges and future prospects of Indian secularism in the light of its long-term trajectory.
more 25.06.2023

Rushain Abbasi from Stanford University has hosted an online Symposium on "The Premodern World and the Secular" for the Political Theology Network this spring. The series features contributions from our director Christoph Kleine and Senior Research Fellows Sita Steckel and Neguin Yavari.
more 20.06.2023

Our Senior Research Fellow Todd Weir recently presented his forthcoming book Red Socialism: Socialism and Secularist Culture in Germany, 1800-1933 in an interview on Steven V. Bittner's History Ex Silo podcast on the New Books Network.
more 16.03.2023

On 14 October 2022 Lori Beaman gave her inaugural lecture on "The Transformational Possibilities of Immanence: The Rise of Nonreligion and its Implications for the Climate Crisis" at the GLOBE22 Science Festival of the Leipzig Research Centre Global Dynamics (ReCentGlobe). The complete lecture is now available online via the YouTube channel of ReCentGlobe.
more 06.03.2023

Ahmet T. Kuru's talk on "Secularism and Islam: A Complex Relationship from History to the Present", held at the Multiple Secularities colloquium on 22 February 2023, is now available online on his YouTube channel. Click below to watch the video.
more 19.02.2023

Last November, Dagmar Schwerk gave a guest lecture with the title “’Tighter Than a Silken Knot and Heavier Than a Golden Yoke’: Tibetan Metaphors of the Religious and Political Between Imagination and Social Reality” at the SFB 1475 “Metaphors of Religion” at the Center for Religious Studies (CERES) at Ruhr-Universität Bochum. CERES has recently published a follow-up interview online.
more 23.11.2022

After presenting it at our book launch in September here in Leipzig, our Senior Research Fellow Sushmita Nath was recently invited to present her first book “The Secular Imaginary: Gandhi, Nehru and the Idea(s) of India” in a talk with host Tiatemsu Longkumer for the New Books Network Podcast.
more 01.11.2022

Since the beginning of 2022, Israeli media has publicised a decision by Merav Michaeli, Minister of Transportation and leader of the left-wing Avoda party, approving public transportation on Saturdays, and thus putting an end to what she has described as a “siege over weekends”. In the eyes of anthropologist Lydia Ginzburg, the scrutiny of public transport on Shabbat underlines the relevancy of the Multiple Secularities perspective, in examining the entangled connections between religious and secular institutions, discourses and daily practices, in order to better understand different configurations of secularity on a global scale.
more 02.05.2022

Continuing our irregular series on the war between Russia and Ukraine, our Senior Research Fellow Ina Merdjanova has written a short piece on the limits of faith-based diplomacy - especially when church and state embrace each other in a symbiotic alliance to pursue their respective hegemonic ambitions.