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Secularities. Freethinkers in the Context of National Movements and the Rise of Nation States in Europe, 1789–1920s

Monika Wohlrab-Sahr will deliver a Midday Lecture on "Multiple Secularities: A Comparative Perspective on the Study of Religion and its Other" and take part in a final roundtable discussion at the workshop on "Secularities. Freethinkers in the Context of National Movements and the Rise of Nation States in Europe, 1789–1920s" of the DHI Rome from 21 to 23 March 2018.

The International Workshop aims for a broad transdisciplinary and transnational discourse to examine nuances of the secular present in the European societies of the 19th and the early 20th centuries. The focus is on freethinkers taken as secular avant-gardes stemming from all over Europe, including East-Central Europe. Contrasting different forms of secularity, we will analyze and discuss the ways European freethinkers contributed to the concept of the modern nation and helped defining its specifics and values. Thereby, the workshop traces the rooting of the secular projects including a set of heterogeneous religious, social and cultural backgrounds as well as the projects' concrete designs such as the promotion of a material-scientific world view or initiatives to leave church.


Wednesday, 21 March

14.00 Martin Baumeister - Roma


Carolin Kosuch - Roma

Introduction "Secularism and Freethought from a European Perspective"

I - Freethought in European National Movements

Chair: Viviana Mellone - Napoli

14.30 Anton Jansson - Göteborg

Tracing the Genealogy of Modern Secular Sweden: Late 19th Century Secularists on the Nation and the State

14.55 Yuval Jobani - Tel-Aviv

Jewish Secularisms and the Building of the Hebrew Nation (1904−1922)

15.20 Barbara Wagner - Warszawa

New Country. Poland for and against Freethinkers

15.45 Daniela Haarmann - Wien

The Hungarian Republic of Letters – The Magyarization of Hungary in the early 1800's

16.15 Coffee Break

16.45 Todd Weir - Groningen

Commentary, Discussion

18.00 Keynote Lecture Detlef Pollack - Münster

Secularization − A Contentious Concept in the Historical and Social Sciences

Thursday, 22 March

 II - Networks and Organizations of Freethought: National and Transnational

Chair: Árpád von Klimó - Washington

9.30 Daniel Laqua - Newcastle

"The Most Advanced Nation on the Road to Liberty": Nationalism and the International Freethought Federation

9.55 Johannes Gleixner - München

Diverging Secularities between the Nation and the Movement: The "International of Proletarian Free-Thinkers" in Central and Eastern Europe during the 1920s in a National and International Framework

10.20 Katharina Neef - Leipzig, Chemnitz

The Komitee Konfessionslos. The Politicization of Leaving Church in the early 20th Century

10.45 Jessica R. Strom - Mansfield (Connecticut)

Nationalists Abroad: Adriano Lemmi, Giuseppe Mazzini, and Lajos Kossuth

11.15 Coffee Break

11.45 Fulvio Conti - Firenze

Commentary, Discussion

12.45 Lunch Break

14.00 Midday-Lectures

Monika Wohlrab-Sahr - Leipzig
Multiple Secularities: A Comparative Perspective on the Study of Religion and its Other

Todd Weir - Groningen
Two Cultures Debate: Secularism and Socialism in Germany 1870 to 1933

15.00 Short Coffee Break

III - Identities and Practices of Freethought

Chair: Costanza D'Elia - Cassino

15.15 Laura Fournier Finocchiaro - Paris

Garibaldi and Mazzini: Anticlericalism, Laicism, and the Concept of a National Religion

15.40 Antoine Mandret-Degeilh - Toulouse

Paris A Secular Avant-Garde? About the Unknown Freethinker Roots of Today's French Civil Baptism

16.05 Christhardt Henschel - Warszawa

Cultures of Reading. Self-Images of Polish Freethinkers

16.30 Coffee Break

17.00 Jakub Basista - Kraków

Commentary, Discussion

Friday, 23 March

IV - Projects. Freethought, Science and Politics

Chair: Thomas Blanck - Köln

9.15 Carolin Kosuch - Roma

Cremation and the Material Culture of 19th Century European Freethought

9.40 Claus Spenninger - München

Vestiges of a Secular Movement: Scientific Materialism in the 1850s between Emancipation and Technocracy

10.05 Christoffer Leber - München

Integration through Science? The Monist Movement in Imperial Germany between Nationalism and Internationalism (1910–1915)

10.30 Katalin Straner - Firenze

Southampton Evolution and Nation in the Press: The Hungarian Reception of Darwinism before and after the Ausgleich (1859–1875)

11.00 Coffee Break

11.30 Rebekka Habermas - Göttingen

Commentary, Discussion

12.30 Lunch

13.30 Final Roundtable with Monika Wohlrab-Sahr - Leipzig

14.00 End of Conference


Carolin Kosuch

Deutsches Historisches Institut in Rom via Aurelia Antica, 391, I-00165 Rom

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